1. 報名課程 * Course Registration |
2. 中文姓名 Chinese Name |
3. 英文姓名 * English name |
4. 護照號碼 * Passport NO. |
5. 護照失效日期 * Passport expiry date |
Please select the date by clicking the input box.
6. 國籍 * Nationality |
7. 就讀學校資訊 * Information of your school in your country. |
8. 生日 * Birthday |
Please select the date by clicking the input box.
9. 性別 * Gender |
10. 身高及體重 * Height and Weight. |
11. 緊急聯絡人 * Contact person in case of emergency |
12. 在臺緊急聯絡人 * Contact person in case of emergency in Taiwan |
若無請填寫「無」 Fill in "No" if None.
13. 電子信箱 * Email Address |
寄發報到通知使用 For Registration Guidelines.
14. 法定監護人姓名* The full name of Legal Guardian |
15. 供餐 * Dietary information |
若無請填寫「無」 Fill in "No" if None.
若無請填寫「無」 Fill in "No" if None.
16. 特殊病症 * Are you suffering or have you suffered in the past from any special diseases?
【e.g., heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, etc.】
若無請填寫「無」 Fill in "No" if None.
以上項目,請務必依實際情況填寫完整,如有因不實或未告知而造成學員生命財產安全之影響等,本院將有權利取消其參加資格,並將由報名者及其法定代理人自行負責。 Please fill out the application form seriously and honestly. If we got the incorrect or hidden information, your application will be canceled. Besides, regard to the safety of the participants, you must be responsible for it.
17. 特殊學習狀況 * Do you have any special learning situation? |
【e.g., Hyperactivity, Autism, etc.】
若無請填寫「無」 Fill in "No" if None.
以上項目,請務必依實際情況填寫完整,如有因不實或未告知而造成學員生命財產安全之影響等,本院將有權利取消其參加資格,並將由報名者及其法定代理人自行負責。 Please fill out the application form seriously and honestly. If we got the incorrect or hidden information, your application will be canceled. Besides, regard to the safety of the participants, you must be responsible for it.
18. 參加同意書 * Permission of attending the program
I hereby certify that my children can attend Mandarin Study Tour Camp. If my children have any safe problems cause by eating the allergic food or their own special diseases and behavior, I will be responsible for it.
Disagree. Welcome to attend our programs in the future, thanks!
19. 華語程度調查 * Mandarin Level Survey |
若無請填寫「無」 Fill in "No" if None.
9. 以下相關個人語言程度自評,請圈選出您認為適合的選項。 Please fill the personal evaluation of Mandarin, and select the proper option which suits your current ability.
1 零程度 Beginner
2 基礎 Elementary
3 普通 Intermediate
4 良好 Upper-Intermediate
5 精通 Advanced
20. 請問您是從何得知本營隊之訊息?(可複選)* Where do you get the camps information? (Multiple choice) |
21. 優惠方案 * Discount |
請選擇您想要額外再報名的梯次 Please select another session you want to register:
1. 請輸入與您共同團報的其他人之姓名與護照號碼 Please enter the other students' name and passport numbers: e.g. Steve Jobs (HT21233112)
2. 請由上而下填寫。Please fill in from top to bottom.
22. 其他問題詢問 Is there anything you would like to ask about the studies? |
Please fill out the application form seriously and honestly. If we got the incorrect or hidden information, your application will be canceled. Besides, regard to the safety of the participants, you must be responsible for it.
Please confirm that all the information you fill in is correct. Once you submit and finish the payment process, it will be considered that you have agreed the NTNU personal information collection based on the “Personal Information Collection, Processing, and Use Notification Statement.”